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Nursery - Taff Fechan

Mrs Underhill-Jones

Miss LLoyd

Mr Williams

Schoop - the school ID is 17699

Twitter - @StDavidsCiWPrm


Google classroom code: 

8.55am - 9am - Registration

9am – 9.15am - Helpwr Heddiw 
9.15am – 9.30am - Worship 
9.30am – 10.15am - Focused activites
10.15am - 10.30am - Snack
10:30am – 10.55am - Phonics
10.55am – 11.45am - Focusses activites

11.45am - 12pm - Singing/Story

Drop off times - 8.45am-8.55am
Pick up times - 11.45pm - 12pm


Drop off time - 12.45pm 

Pick up times - 3pm - 3.15pm


6th January – Children return to school

17th January - Rags to Riches

31st January - INSET Day School Closed to Pupils

7th February - Mid-Term Reports sent out to parents

Week commencing 3rd Feb - Chinese New Year Celebration PS1&2

3rd February - Children’s Mental Health Awareness week

17th February - Whole School Islam Celebration Day

21st February – Last day of term


24th – 28th February – Half Term


3rd March - Return to school

4th March - Eisteddfod

6th March – World Book Day

7th March – 16th March STEM week

31st March – 4th April – Cycle Proficiency Year 6

7th & 8th April – Parents Evening 3.30-5.30pm

7th April – Easter Celebration Week

11th April - End of Term


Easter Holidays – 14th April - 25thApril


Please bring a bottle of water to school daily, clearly labelled with your child's name.  Healthy snacks can be purchased from the snack trolley or brought in from home.  Please only bring one piece of snack such as an apple, breadsticks or yoghurt pouch.


Please wear PE kit to school on Monday's. Children should wear black shorts, house colour or white t-shirt and trainers, labelled clearly with their name. They may also wear black jogging  bottoms when completing activities outdoors. 


Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.

Spare clothes

Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes every day in their bag that includes a top, skirt or trousers, pants and socks or tights. Please can you also include wet wipes.

This term our topic in Nursery is 'Dewi Dragon'  where the children will be immersed in storytelling, role play, and creative activities.  They will enhance their communication, language, and social skills as they explore themes of bravery, friendship, and adventure. They will develop their physical skills through dragon-inspired movement, crafts, and activities, while sparking curiosity and critical thinking in literacy, mathematics, and understanding of the world. We will incorporate elements from different cultures and folklore so that the children not only deepen their understanding of the world but also nurture their creativity and emotional resilience.

Pupil Voice - At St David's we encourage the children to engage in their own learning. If your child would like to learn about something linked to our topic, or if you have a lovely suggestion for an activity that could support this topic, please email


Spring 1 homework grid. Children may do as many homework tasks as they like and bring them into school to share with the class whenever a task has been completed. 

In Taff Fechan, we will begin to support ourselves and each other in becoming:

  • Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.
  • Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world.
  • Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.


Our Christian Value for this half term is: Truthfulness.

"God's people do not lie, or deceive each other" - Leviticus 19:11

What is Read Write Inc. Phonics?

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How to say the sounds

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This is an online resource where you child can learn new sounds, words and practise the skill of reading through storytelling and games

This is an online resource where your child can read online books, play phonics and CVC word games as well as activity inspiration for practical activities inside and outside the house. The resource is free to use and has lots of advice for parents.

Username: mrsunderhilljones

Password: nursery

Phonics Play is an interactive game that we use in the classroom daily. There are lots of activities for CVC words- our favourite is Obb and Bob. When selecting activities please select Phase 2. 

Username: march20

Oxford Owl has some lovely mathematics games, including shape, addition, subtraction and even time. They also have downloadable resources including worksheets and wonderful advice for parents.

Children will have opportunities to speak Welsh daily in school. We encourage the children to ask and answer questions using our 'Helper Heddiw'. We will begin by learning colours in Welsh, the weather and then about our feelings and asking 'Sut wyt ti?'

Here is a link to a video of the weather in Welsh song that we sing every day.

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw (Addams family)

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As part of modern foreign languages (MFL) Taff Fechan will be learning Italian. We will learn colours and numbers. Below is a song to help us.

Impara i colori con gli amici pesciolini @Mela_Educational

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For information about supporting your child with using the internet safely, please click on the following link:

What is Jigsaw, the mindful approach to Health and Well-being, and how does it work?

Jigsaw is a whole-school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn. Jigsaw is a comprehensive and completely original PSE programme for the whole primary school from ages 3-11.  The Jigsaw Programme also delivers Relationships and Sexuality Education. Ensuring it meets the requirements set out in the RSE Code for Phases 1 and 2. Life cycles and human reproduction will be taught in a sensitive manner, age related in all schools in Wales. This means that all learners must receive this education. There is no right to withdraw from RSE in the new curriculum.

Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:

  • To build their capacity for learning
  • To equip them for life

Jigsaw brings together PSE, Relationships and Sexuality Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is designed to support a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own stage of learning. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson per week. All lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.


The Curriculum for Wales is now statutory requirement since September 2022 for all schools in Wales. It has a key role to play in helping children and young people navigate the world safely. Welsh Government wants education to help our children to develop as healthy, confident individuals, ready for the next chapter in their life after school. Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) encompasses the knowledge, skills, dispositions and values that will empower learners to:

  • support their health and well-being
  • develop healthy, safe and fulfilling relationships of all kinds, including those with family and friends, and in time, romantic and sexual relationships
  • navigate and make sense of how relationships, sex, gender and sexuality shape their own and other people’s identities and lives
  • understand and support their rights and those of others to enjoy equitable, safe, healthy and fulfilling relationships throughout their lives.

Healthy snacks are provided at £2 per week which can be paid for half termly via parent pay or please provide one piece of fresh fruit or vegetable for your child's snack every day. We are a healthy eating school so only provide a healthy snack such as an apple, banana, carrot sticks, oranges etc. Please note that grapes need to be sliced longways. Children may bring a bottle of water with their name clearly labelled to school to drink. We are happy to refill their bottles for them during the day. We will provide milk daily to the children who want it.

We would like you to take part in our 101 Experiences challenge - 101 things for your child to experience during their time at St David’s C.I.W. Primary School. We would be delighted to see our children doing these activities outside of school, so please send in any evidence of each experience to 

Each time a child achieves 5 experiences from the same category, they will get a sticker which shows the religious character which symbolises the associated purpose from the Four Purposes of the new curriculum. 

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!

Please support us on our Active Travel mission by encouraging your child to walk, cycle or scoot to school, or use our Park and Stride arrangements at Pentwyn Leisure Centre. This will help keep our bodies healthy and help reduce our carbon footprint.

St David's CIW Primary School is proud to be a Rights Respecting School, which means we are a community where children's rights are learnt, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.

This term we will be focusing on Articles 13, 14 and 15 from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

During our worship time on Mondays, we have been learning about current news, topics and events. Then we have been exploring the key questions linked to these further in class.

When discussing the Picture News, we have been challenging ourselves to use new, ambitious vocabulary to describe our feelings and opinions.